If you’ve thought about proposing, you’ve likely soon after thought about how much money it will set you back. Believe it or not, proposing doesn’t have to break the bank. In fact, taking the cut-price approach could even make it more special.
You might think the only way to make it a memorable experience is to plan a big, extravagant proposal. However, there are many benefits to tightening the purse strings when it comes to the all-important moment. Proposing on a budget forces you to be creative with both the delivery, and the ring itself, creating a special moment unique to your relationship.
Here’s three things for you to consider before devising your dollar-stretching proposal.

By now you are probably all too familiar with the horror stories regarding the cost of an engagement ring. Well, what if we told you that ring shopping needn’t be as daunting a prospect as you first thought?
Yes, by definition, diamond rings are expensive. However, there are thousands of variations to suit any budget. Consider substituting that flawless three carat diamond for a slightly lighter 0.5 carat gem that still gives off the desired sparkle. Alternatively, shop around for a slightly included diamond, and alter the ring’s setting to conceal any blemishes.
When searching for your perfect ring, it is important to consider which of the 4C’s is most important to you. If the carat of the diamond is the most indispensable element to you and your partner, perhaps you could compromise on the cut or clarity to reduce costs.
Make sure to keep in mind that this process should be personal to you. Any myths regarding how much should be spent on a ring are pure conjecture, so only spend an amount you’re comfortable with.

By now, you should have a pretty good idea of whether your bride or groom-to-be would prefer a public or private proposal. If they would be more enamoured with the former, don’t think this automatically means you have to devise the grandest declaration of love ever seen. There are plenty of ways to pull off a public engagement without plunging into the wedding war chest.
Providing you didn’t meet snorkeling in the great barrier reef, or anywhere else particularly extravagant, you might consider venturing back to where it all began. Whether this was the spot of your first date, or perhaps where you very first met, finding a location meaningful to you both can go a long way to creating the perfect proposal.
If you know that your partner has their heart set on an outdoor proposal, do not fall into the trap of looking for the most instagram-able spot in your area, either. Chances are, a location more familiar to you both would mean more than a place chosen just for the photo.

For some couples, there would be no better option than to propose in private, in the comfort of their own home. If this resonates with you, there are several creative ways to pull off a picture-perfect proposal at home.
Why not dust off your favorite board game? A popular choice among couples is Scrabble, providing you allow for a little cheating to get hold of the requisite tiles. Another games night favorite is Charades. If done correctly, what will start off as an innocent guessing game will end up with you committing your lives to one another.
If you’re concerned that board games could result in a quarrel in the household, you might consider a less contentious method. For instance, you could send your partner on a scavenger hunt around the house or local area, ending in a private spot for you to pop the question.
images from unsplash.com